Sunday, September 16, 2018

Simply Just Words Trust

Living less than an eighth of a mile away from the ocean is a blessing and a curse at the same time.  A person can literally be touching the crystal aquamarine heart of nature in less than eight minutes if one tried to get there quickly.  The ocean cleans
es the soul.  It is a natural healer that is constantly being destroyed daily by idiotic people, the US government, and more.  Without the ocean, the world would be desolate.  It's magical waves crash onto the shore in a rhythmical fashion as it chooses to do so.  No human being can decide how mammoth or minuscule those waves may be on a seconds notice.  This past weekend some will say that the ocean destroyed life.  It is not the ocean that took the lives of humans due to this natural disaster, but rather a very unfortunate incident of events that meteorologists, scientists, and doctors are trying to solve a solution to on an hourly basis.  It is so highly complex that even some of the brightest minds in the world cannot stop it from happening repeatedly, yearly, taking so much from so many. Why? On the opposite spectrum magical, whimsical events can happen on or near the ocean.  A person can literally find the "missing" link that remind them they are alive while being in or near an ocean.  Is today going to be different?   Today, do you know where you belong?  Is it at the ocean or possibly in a new city near the mountains 3500 miles away?

I'm going to tell you my story. Why, I went to the ocean this evening.  A few special friends of mine are on the verge of something so substantial that it will not only change our lives significantly but millions of others.  It is, (and I hate this word) "something" that honestly seemed too good to be true when the concept first hit the frontal cortex of my brain.  I had just read an e-mail that had me perplexed.  People often do the same toxic thing when they are looking for an answer.  Some people will get drunk, high, or eat an abundance of unhealthy food.  For me when I get perplexed, I exercise.  My mind is like the earth.  It constantly is rotating around on its own axis.  I simply stopped what I was doing, put on sound proof headphones, and ran to the ocean.  Unfortunately for me, my phone is my source of music, and I could not get through two songs without a text message, or phone call.  The last thing I wanted to do was be on the phone in any capacity in that moment.  I did have an endearing conversation on my way there, and a string of text messages that literally convinced me to trust my instincts as soon as my emerald green eyes saw the water.

I had a friend that had invited me to meet he or she five miles from the very spot I stood.  I was literally on my way there when something made me turn around and walk back (about 3/4 of a mile) to a spot where I saw this stray cat hiding in the obscurity of the beach.  Call it a mystery,  I have terrible vision at night.   I literally cannot see five to fifteen feet in front of me in the dark and was in a very intense "life" conversation when I thought that I saw someone I knew.  I am not close to this person.   I know minimal information about his or her life.  I did not make any effort to see if it was indeed the person I thought I saw.  Nor did this person (if he or she did recognize me) do anything to acknowledge my existence.  The frightened cat would not let me near it.  It stood in front of me like a flock of birds hovering above the night sky not sure which direction to fly.  The feline looked me dead in the eyes, frigid, almost paralyzed.   I could have sworn in this exact moment the shadow in the darkness (my vision) stopped for maybe a millisecond to look in our direction.  I took one earphone off of my head as I realized immediately that even though my headphones kept all of the sounds in, my voice was still heard.  I have no idea what the cat, strangers, or possibly someone I thought I knew got out of the conversation.  It  was meant to be private.  Maybe nobody was even listening to my ever ending ramble to someone that is currently almost 4,000 miles away nor would they even care. The random strangers walking the same boardwalk only could hear a one sided conversation.  I ensure you, my voice carried like "Till Tuesday" in the quiet, calm, serene early summer evening.   In the back of my mind, I actually was truly hoping that the shadow in the dark was indeed whom I thought he or she was.  I wanted to trust that this person was there for a reason, when in reality it most likely was just another stranger enjoying the joyous love the ocean brings. He or she was nobody whom I have ever met.  The cat turned and ran faster than an F15 fighter jet.  The scared feline did not trust I was there to help it.  I would have taken it to one of my veterinary clients and saved it If I could only have caught it.

 I continued my conversation and began to run myself.  I did not go visit my friends that were simply less than five miles from the very spot I stood. At one point I think I actually passed this shadow or friend as on the very same boardwalk our footsteps touched the ground at the same time merely a few feet away.  Again, (Can not see well at night.)  I completely did a 180 degree turn and decided to turn the other way.  I did not run far as the phone rang again within thirty seconds.  I thought I saw this person in the shadow again heading back towards my direction. I decided I never want to know if it indeed was the he or she my subconscious wanted me to have a conversation with. I no longer trust my original instincts pertaining to this person as nobody is perfect. I am far from perfect.  Sometimes we trust without cause.  I am going to go with the fact that this indeed was a total stranger.  Someone I had never met nor have reason to.

The moral of this story is "Trust What you Know."  If Tom Brady scored two touch downs today (I have no idea how many he did or did not get accomplished today) and both extra points were made Mr. Brady would have factually helped his team score 14 points.  It is simply a known fact.  In fact, my friends at the NFL Network and CBS probably discussed these actions repeatedly throughout the day with distinct adjectives on "how" Mr. Brady made this happen.  Highlights on several media outlets around the world showcasing his brilliance, known, facts with evidence to back it up.  BTW he actually did score two touch downs today.   I just had to look it up.  I swear I did not see a minute of that contest.  I did however decide to one hundred percent "trust" the person that I had been texting throughout my journey those few hours taken from my life.  The very same person that had me so perplexed at 6:48 pm on Sunday September 16th 2018 changed my mind "simply with his words."  His words touched me deeply, as I now believe more than ever. I am not going to admit to whom these texts were from so never ask me.  You will never know, nor need to know.  I on the other hand have made the imperative decision to trust not only him, but his entire team and his dreams.  I cannot share nor discuss any of these text messages.

 Communication is the key to life.  Without healthy, sound, quality communication the only outcome is failure.  Failure is not an option for me hence I have also decided to communicate everything and trust this destiny.  I am going to encourage my business team to do the same.  I literally trust these two people more than some family members.  Their positive souls light up a room like a Christmas tree in Times square.  They will stand by my side.  They will help make history.  They will take on this journey like finding a cure for cancer, in fact we may just might.  Ok, maybe not a cure, but a very powerful tool that for if not anything, gives hope and proven relief.

My journey this evening awoke me in many ways.  Not only am I going to trust what I know, but I am going all in and trusting what is visceral inside my heart, head, and gut.  Time to give up on some of the unknown, uncertain, non-communicative emotions, non important deterrents, and leap towards what really matters without any hesitation. Know when and when not to "Trust."

For those that read this part of this journey leading to "joyful wealth" (not just financial, but heartfelt, life changing flow)  know what I am speaking of. You all now have myself and my army of goodness behind you. We are a powerful army.  Karma is real.  Those that refuse to see are simply blind to opportunity that exists in rare, chosen, defined rewarding situations.  My efforts in these matters on all topics for those that refuse to "take a risk" are now as far away from my my mind as that stray cat.

  I process all priceless memories that matter in my brain vault.  I have a special talent of storing situations that matter in a memory bunker in my mind.  I can pull up memories from years ago and literally can remember feelings, expressions, colors, and movements down to a sketch artists perfection.  I can close my eyes and see, feel, experience these events as if it happened seconds ago no matter when they actually happened.

Go look up the definition of "trust" in a dictionary.  I not only trust facts that I know, I trust what is in my mind and heart.  Once trust is removed it is buried six feet under never to be awakened.  Trust not only what you "know", but what you can solidify with facts and true karmic belief.  If you no longer believe, run away like the deadly storm a hurricane brings.  If you do find trust in any situation jump in, swim with the sharks, dolphins, manatees, sea turtles, porpoises, and all life form in the ocean.  There is no way to justify the true meaning of the human heart and soul once you find "trust".  Go with it.  Your mind will comprehend and take the appropriate actions to make the correct decisions.   Trust what you know, and what you fully believe will simply be.

Please Share, Comment positive and negative posts welcome.

Much Love,

Beth Robyn

#Trust #Give2LiveNow

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Simply Just Words Music

 How do you define music?  What type of music is important to you simplistically vs. what seems to be "popular."  Does your favorite artist or band live in another country outside of the USA?  Have you ever thought about what the living conditions, work life, health standards, and people are like in that country?  Most people don't think about what I just wrote about when they "hear" music.  There is a significant difference in hearing vs listening.  You hear things every day.  In fact the normal hearing frequency for a person "with normal hearing" can hear sounds that have frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz.  What and how do you hear?  If you asked someone that is deaf the question above the answer would be significantly different than me asking you.  If you have the incapability to hear, and you are reading this, please know there are many people that don't realize how special you can be. 

When I personally listen to music I adore there are several endorphins that release into my brain.  Just as if you are in a conversation where everything and everyone around you does not exist.  These conversations are rare, exponential, and can be memorable for an extremely long time.  When was the last time you went anywhere and did not look at your cell phone?  Try it.  It will enhance your life each second that device is not within your reach.  If you truly are "listening' you will remember what you were told.  Personally, I can probably recite over 1000 songs, word for word, verbatim if I only had a singing voice to peruse.

Back to the "music".  When you listen to an instrumental, vocal, or combination of rhythm how do you determine if you like or dislike it?  Do you listen to the voice, the beat, the instruments, the flow, or a combination of the above?  Television has warped so many people.  Think about this fact,  the average person watches TV for 7 hours and 50 minutes a day.  I have not turned my television on in the last 72 hours of this post.  There is no judgment passed here today.  The next time you want to turn on the television put in your headphones, listen to what you love, and read a book at the same time.

Try and learn something new everyday.  No matter what the "new" is.   Pics are a few from my "Favorite" Play List.   Song of the day?  "ANIMAL" Stripped version by MISSIO

Much Love,

Beth Robyn



Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Simply Just Words

The one thing that I blissfully figured out is that fear can literally make a person walk away from priceless opportunity.  At what point do we as humans decide to conquer that fear?  What is the risk involved and how does one place metrics on that risk?  As a writer for years, I find that when it comes to dialectology in uncomfortable, fearful, pretentious, or ostentatious situations words are much easier written than stated verbally.

I have an opportunity.

I am a dutiful writer and have decided to share several years of writing with you, the public.  Everything you want can be accomplished incrementally with dedication, passion, determination, discipline and a positive mindset.  An advocate of rationalism and logic plays no games, gives no excuses, nor refuses to quit.  If there is every any question, doubt, or inquisition of facts simply find the answer.  Realistically I am not a genius but do know a few.  I personally will never lie, cheat, or mess with logic.  Simply put, if it can't be solved find someone or something that has the answer.  If that unconditionally cannot occur find a way to eradicate the situation.  It is mind blowing to become an other centered focused solution finding person. This applies to anything anytime, anyplace, and anyone.

There are a few idiosyncrasies:

Some say fate does not exist.  I am an advocate believer that in this life "fate" occurs daily.  The problem is most humans blink so fast that they cannot ever see.  They don't believe in rationalism.  The Webster definition of rational is as follows:  "Based on or in accordance with reason or logic."  So how do you explain developments of events beyond a humans control? Is it to be regarded as a supernatural power?

There are three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans.  Each person's destiny was thought of as a thread spun, measured, and cut by the three fates.  Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.  I am not going to pontificate on this.  Google it.  Do your research on this myth.  The bottom line is "fate can be logical."

I look forward to publishing several works on this blog in the near future and hope you enjoy.

For media inquisition or contact request E-mail


Written with Love,

Beth Robyn