Sunday, September 9, 2018

Simply Just Words Music

 How do you define music?  What type of music is important to you simplistically vs. what seems to be "popular."  Does your favorite artist or band live in another country outside of the USA?  Have you ever thought about what the living conditions, work life, health standards, and people are like in that country?  Most people don't think about what I just wrote about when they "hear" music.  There is a significant difference in hearing vs listening.  You hear things every day.  In fact the normal hearing frequency for a person "with normal hearing" can hear sounds that have frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz.  What and how do you hear?  If you asked someone that is deaf the question above the answer would be significantly different than me asking you.  If you have the incapability to hear, and you are reading this, please know there are many people that don't realize how special you can be. 

When I personally listen to music I adore there are several endorphins that release into my brain.  Just as if you are in a conversation where everything and everyone around you does not exist.  These conversations are rare, exponential, and can be memorable for an extremely long time.  When was the last time you went anywhere and did not look at your cell phone?  Try it.  It will enhance your life each second that device is not within your reach.  If you truly are "listening' you will remember what you were told.  Personally, I can probably recite over 1000 songs, word for word, verbatim if I only had a singing voice to peruse.

Back to the "music".  When you listen to an instrumental, vocal, or combination of rhythm how do you determine if you like or dislike it?  Do you listen to the voice, the beat, the instruments, the flow, or a combination of the above?  Television has warped so many people.  Think about this fact,  the average person watches TV for 7 hours and 50 minutes a day.  I have not turned my television on in the last 72 hours of this post.  There is no judgment passed here today.  The next time you want to turn on the television put in your headphones, listen to what you love, and read a book at the same time.

Try and learn something new everyday.  No matter what the "new" is.   Pics are a few from my "Favorite" Play List.   Song of the day?  "ANIMAL" Stripped version by MISSIO

Much Love,

Beth Robyn



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